2013-2018 Vajrakilaya Drupchen
Gonjang Monastery
Our sangha makes regular pilgrimages to our mother monastery, Gonjang Monastery in Sikkim, India, to attend the Vajrakilaya Drupchen.
Guru Rinpoche Mantra Empowerment by Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche
On October 5th, 2014 members of our Sangha traveled to New York City to receive an empowerment teaching.

Butter Lamp Offerings
Our sangha makes butter lamp offerings on the four great festivals celebrating the lifer of Buddha Shakyamuni: Chotrul Duchen, Saga Dawa Duchen, Chokhor Duchen and Lha Bab Duchen.
Sangha members of Orgyen Namdrol Choling make frequent pilgrimages to sacred Buddhist sites.
Visiting Lamas
Orgyen Namdrol Choling and The Center for Dzogchen Studies has been blessed to receive teachings and practice instructions from a number of visiting Lamas through out the years.