Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche writing with the new pen offered by Lama Padma Karma.
Lama Padma Karma and Patrul Rinpoche, USA 2007
Khenpo Chowang and Lama Padma Karma May 2009
Dolop Kunzang Khedrub Rinpoche with Lama Padma Karma after an empowerment, India 2002
Lama Padma Karma
Lama Padma Karma receives teachings and empowerments from Gonjang Rinpoche, of Gonjang Monastery in Gangtok, Sikkim and has been asked to guide students based on these teachings.
Since becoming a Buddhist practitioner in 1985, Lama Padma has received instruction from many wonderful teachers, including: Kyabje Chatral Sangay Dorje Rinpoche, Pharping, Nepal; Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzankpo Rinpoche, Kham, Tibet; Dorlop Kunzang Khedrub, Darjeeling, India; and Lama Gyaltsen Rinpoche.
Lama Padma spent 8 years in China and has traveled frequently to India and Nepal for teachings, pilgrimage, and retreat. During the last 30 years he has disseminated Buddhist meditation practices and taught American students to integrate these practices into everyday life. Some of his pupils have gone on to become Tibetan Buddhist scholars, translators of Buddhist texts, acupuncturists, and alternative healers.
Lama Padma was ordained into the Ngakpa (one who uses mantra) lineage in 1997. This training qualified him to act as a healing counselor as well as to provide services in energy balancing and removal of obstacles through ceremonies in homes and businesses. Under his spiritual guidance a network of trained eastern and western healing professionals provide services to their clients in the state of Connecticut.
Lama Padma has been invited on multiple occasions to give teachings at Yale, Quinnipiac University, Southern Connecticut State University, Sacred Heart University, Connecticut College and local area high schools. He has served on interfaith panels and participated in comparative religion adult educational programs.