Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche
Patrul Rinpoche in New Haven 2007
The Temple at Pukang Monastery
Schedra at Pukang Monastery
Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche
Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche (1963-2008) was the incarnation of the great Vajra Master Patrul Orgyen Jigme Chuje Wangpo, author of Words of My Perfect Teacher. Patrul Orgyen Jigme Chuje Wangpo studied with Jigme Gyalwa Nyugu (the perfect teacher). Jigme Gyalwa Nyugu was the primary disciple of "Omniscient" (Kunkhyen) Jigme Lingpa.
Long ago, the great lord Padmakara entrusted the entire range of essential key instructions on the secret and profound Great Perfection to the undying expanse, the core of Lhacham Padmasal’s heart. Later, once the appropriate mindset arose and the right time had come, a series of beings were born, starting with the great treasure revealer Sangye Lama and continuing on to the Rigdzin Jingmé Lingpa.
The first thirteen of these masters are known as “the thirteen renowned reincarmnations of Lhacham.”The list of incarnations includes:1) Lhacham Padmasal, 2) the treasure revealer Sangye Lama, 3) Gya Lotsawa, 4) the siddha Ngodrup, 5) Padma Ledreltsal, 6) Longchen Rabjam, 7) Orgyen Lingpa, 8) Ngari Panchen, 9) Chogyal Rinchen Phuntsok, 10) Tashi Topgyal, 11) Lhatsun Namkha Jigmé, 12) Chojé Lingpa, 13) Jigmé Lingpa, 14) Orgyen Jigmé Chowang, 15) the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé, and 16) Choktrül jigmé Rikpey Dorjé. The succession of the throne holders of the monastic seat are as follows: 1) the first Patrul Samten Phuntsok, 2) the second Patrul Khampa Ngotsarchen, 3) the third Patrul Orgyen Jigmé Chokyi wangpo, 4) the fourth Patrul, the son of the blood drinking Düdjom Dorjé, the emanation Guru Nyima Ozer; the master of an ocean of qualities of learning and accomplishment, the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé.
The fifth Patrul, Jigmé Rikpey Dorjé, was born in the water hare year of the sixteenth cycle (the Western year 1963). His father was the heart son of the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé, the emanated display of Thupten Chokyi Dorjé, the mantradhara vidyadhara Drupwang Sherap Mebar. His mother was the Dakini Tsering Lhaga. This matched the prophecy of the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé, who stated that he would take a future rebirth in the home of Gopey Labrang. He was then correctly identified as the reincarnation of the great treasure revealer guru by the yogi of the definitive meaning, Rigdzin Gyurmé Namgyal. The great spiritual master RongKyap Lama Lodro Gyaltsen, Khysentsé Rabsel Dawa, Gurong Gyalsey and other masters concurred with this recognition and offered letters of support. He then learned to read, write and so forth with no difficulty under the tutelage of the great Khenpo, Lama Sonam Tsewang.
Once the teachings began to flourish again, he was enthroned on the golden throne of Gyalwa Phukhang. He then studied at the lotus feet of many sacred teachers, including the all-seeing Khenchen Padma Tsewang, Khyentsé Rabsel Dawa, Gonla Padma Ozer, Trül Sheycha Tokmey Tsal and Rigdzin Sheyrab Meybar. He studied a virtual ocean of teachings relating to the Kama and Terma traditions of the Ancient Translation School (Nyingma). In particular, he received all the empowerments and instructions of the collected works of both the Heruka Düdjom Dorjé and the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé.
Taking responsibility for the Buddha’s teachings at Gyalwa Phukhang Monastery, his activities of enlightened body, speech, and mind were vast. He created a printing facitlity to house an extensive collections of teachings from the Kama and Terma traditions of the Ancient Translation school (Nyingma). He directed the construction of Zangdok Palri Temple and Patrul Temple in accordance with all religious specifications. His foremost commitment was to offer a variety of ripening and liberating transmissions associated with the Patrul incarnation lineage to monks and lamas at the monastery and to an ever increasing number of dedicated lay practitioners.